Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sounding Taps at Arlington - Fulfilling a Promise

This was posted on the Buglers Across America website. This has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama, but it is an inspiring story and felt it should be shared. Please do not misconstrue the policy at Arlington to be a slight by our President on the veterans - it is not. The policy was instituted by the U.S. Army and has been in place for decades. Now, for the "rest of the story..."

I promised a friend of mine, Len Cowherd, that I would sound Taps for his son, Leonard Cowherd III, somewhere and sometime on May 16th, the 5th anniversary of Leonard's death in Iraq, where he was killed by a sniper. (You can learn more about Leonard at

I did not anticipate going to Arlington, where Leonard is buried (Section 60, No. 7983), but Pam and I decided that it was the only right thing to do.When we arrived at Arlington National Cemetery, I fealt that I should receive permission first to sound Taps for Leonard. Disappointedly, I was told that it was not allowed. That made me very upset, but I acknowledged their decision.

Pam and I proceeded to find Section 60, and Leonard's gravestone. After a few minutes of searching the thousands of gravestones up to 7983, we found Leonard. We placed a flag next to his stone. There were only a hand-full of visitors in the area, and I knew that they were very saddened to be there, so I was apprehensive about doing anything. A veteran came up to us and expressed his sorrow for our loss. We explained to him that we were there on the behalf of the Cowherd family and would like to sound Taps for their son/brother. After an extended conversation with Cpt. Edward Liu, of the Army National Guard, he stated that "no one is going to object to your sounding Taps for Leonard".

I went back to Leonard's gravesite, and, after a few moments of prayer, sounded Taps for 2nd Lt. Leonard M. Cowherd, US Army, who died in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was born on August 16, 1981, and died May 16, 2004. He was a recent graduate of West Point Academy.

From this experience, all I can say is do not hesitate to show your patriotism. With what is going on this day in age, we must stand up and say "No, I am going to honor this hero, whether it is allowed or not. It must be done".

If you don't, chances are, no one else will.As Sgt. Will Mock said (who was also killed in Iraq) "Strength and Honor" "Honor and Strength"!!! IE: Do not fear, and do not hesitate to honor!!!!! Sphere: Related Content

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