Monday, May 2, 2011

Is Osama Bin Laden really dead?

When Saddam Hussein was captured in December 1993, the announcement was made from Baghdad, not the White House. The generals on the ground in charge of the operation were the ones to announce, "We got him!" and provide photographic images and other evidence that yes, indeed, Hussein was in custody.

Fast forward to May 1, 2011 - nearly a decade has passed since that fateful September day in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. The announcement came from the White House with no comments from the generals on the ground. No photographic evidence to support the conclusion that Public Enemy Number One was indeed killed. Then later reports came out to say that Bin Laden was buried at sea. In other words, it's President Obama's word against the rest of the world.

Here are some basic questions.

1.Will the Obama Administration produce enough DNA testing and other proof to make it clear that Bin Laden was in fact dead? Since the DNA evidence requires an earlier verified sample of DNA material to compare to, where did that sample originate and which lab did the testing?

2. Where are the photographs of the body?

3. Why a rush to judgment in burying the body at sea before or very soon after, the killing was actually announced? Is it really Bin Laden's body?

4. How come there haven't been any statements from General Petraeus or other top ranking officials in U.S. Central Command right after the announcement was made?

5. Some early reports suggest that he was killed a week ago by a bomb, while the President says it was Navy SEALs who shot him in the head. Which is true?

It was a happy Sunday night across America as thousands flocked to the White House and Ground Zero to celebrate the news. It was a happy Sunday night when Twitter and Facebook posts around the world shared the news. But will it be a somber morning in America when people wake up to see that the questions that they slept on overnight, "Is the news true?" "Can this REALLY be happening?" and "Is the war over?" start to get asked?

The Obama Administration has a lot of answers to provide the American public. In light of the "Birther" issue, where most Americans didn't care one way or another whether the President was born in Hawaii or not, Americans WILL care whether the person most responsible for the shedding of innocent American life a decade ago, the same person who was the cause of two major wars in the Middle East, is truly dead.

Mr. President, America will not wait for three years before they see a death certificate.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where are the protesters?

With Operation Odyssey Dawn operational, even with the French and British forces leading the operation, when are the anti-war protests going to heat up?

Eight years ago, there were mass protests that closed down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Mass anti-war protests from sea-to-shining-sea occurred by organizations like Women Against Military Madness, A.N.S.W.E.R. and Code Pink - all protesting the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Eight years later as President Obama orders the launching of cruise missiles into Libya, the anti-war groups are astoundingly silent. Why?

According to news reports, thirty people protested the operation in Phoenix, Arizona. A.N.S.W.E.R had a protest in Boston but reports show that it was actually pretty small.

The Associated Press ran a story  about 80 protesters who gathered in Times Square. They chanted "No to war!" and carried banners that read, "I am not paying for war" and "Butter not guns."

U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., joined the protesters, saying he was angry that Congress was not consulted before the military strikes.
He said he was undecided on whether the military action against Libya was justified but thought lawmakers and their constituents should have had time to weigh in.
"Our presidents seem to believe that all we have to do is go to the U.N. and we go to war," Rangel said as a large television screen behind him at the recruiting station showed an advertisement for the Air Force with crews loading missiles onto fighter jets. "Going to war is not a decision that presidents should make," he added.
So for all this rhetoric from the anti-war left organizations like A.N.S.W.E.R., W.A.M.M. and Code Pink over the last decade - their limited action against Odyssey Dawn tell us that all they do is blow a lot of hot air but cannot be taken seriously.

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